Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial roots for the tooth used for missing or fallen teeth. During dental implant surgery, doctors replace the origins of the missing teeth with metal as a screw and an artificial tooth attached to it. These implants look and function exactly like real ones.

Dental implant surgery is a great choice when dentures or bridges do not fit properly or when there are insufficient natural teeth roots to support them. It provides an option for replacing missing teeth in a way that works well and feels comfortable. Professionals usually make dental implants using biocompatible materials like titanium, which suits the human body well.

Reasons for Getting a Dental Implant Procedure Done

  • Tooth replacement
  • Enhance functionality: chewing and biting with ease.
  • Improved Look: dental implants seamlessly blend with your natural teeth, which can increase your smile aesthetic.
  • Improved oral health: dental implants are much easier to clean and maintain and do not require alternative teeth changes.
  • Speech improvement: Dental implants give your replacement teeth a strong base, allowing you to speak naturally and again.
  • Bridge replacement
  • To fix slipping or clicking dentures

How to Prepare

Preparing for dental implant surgery involves several essential steps to ensure a successful procedure and optimal outcomes, such as:

  • Schedule an initial consultation and examination appointment with your Orange City dentist/oral surgeon to discuss your oral health, what you want from the dental implant procedure, and whether you need the implant. They may take X-rays, CT scans, or other imaging tests to check jawbone density and structure. 
  • Always check your oral health first to identify and treat issues like gum disease, tooth decay, or infections. It would help if you got these issues resolved to avoid any risks during the implant surgery.
  • You must also provide your dentist with a complete list of medications you are taking. Some medicines may need to be adjusted or temporarily discontinued before the surgery.
  • You can use Invisalign, an invisible brace that could help your natural teeth position themselves if you require spacing correction to make enough space for a lost tooth.
  • Inform your dentist about your medical history. Certain medical conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes or immune disorders, can affect healing. Also, it would help if you were not smoking tobacco to proceed with the process because smoking can hinder recovery and increase the risk of implant failure.
  • Before going for the surgery/operation, you may need to follow some instructions from your surgeon, like fasting for a certain period, avoiding alcohol, and keeping your mouth clean.

The Procedure

  1. Treatment Planning: This plan will include the number of implants required, the type of implant, and any procedures, such as bone grafting or tooth extractions, if necessary.
  2. Tooth Extraction (if needed): In some cases, if you have a damaged or decayed tooth at the site where you want the implant, it may need to be extracted before proceeding with the implant placement because this ensures a clean and healthy foundation.
  3. Jawbone preparation (Bone Grafting): A bone graft may be required if your jawbone lacks the necessary density or volume to support an implant. During this procedure, the dentist will expand the jawbone by transplanting bone from another part of your body or using synthetic materials.
  4. Dental Implant Placement: The surgeon starts this process after administering local anesthesia and ensuring you are comfortable and not feel any pain. The dentist will incision the gum tissue to show the underlying jawbone and carefully insert the implant into the bone. Once the implant is in place, the dentist will stitch the gum tissue back together, leaving the implant attached to the jawbone.
  5. Osseointegration (bone growth and healing): After implant placement, osseointegration occurs when the jawbone fuses and unites with the implant surface over several months.
  6. Abutment Placement: Once the implant has integrated with the jawbone, osseointegration completes the dentist performs a minor surgical procedure to attach an abutment. The abutment is a connector between the implant and the artificial tooth (crown) that the dentist will place on top. The dentist will make a small cut in the gum tissue to expose the implant and securely attach the abutment.
  7. Impression and Crown Placement: After the gums have healed and shaped around the abutment, doctors take an impression of your teeth to create a custom-made crown. The dental laboratory uses this impression to make a natural-looking crown that matches your surrounding teeth in color, shape, and size. Once the crown is ready, it is secured onto the abutment.
  8. Follow-up and Maintenance: After the crown is attached, the dentist will check your bite and make necessary adjustments. You may, however, face some discomfort after the surgery, like swelling of the face and gums, skin bruising, minor bleeding, and pain in the implant site. The dentist will provide you with the necessary medication and instructions on caring for your new implant, including proper oral hygiene practices and avoiding damaging habits like chewing hard stuff or staining the tooth with coffee or tobacco. Regular check-ups and cleanings are essential to monitor the health of your implant and maintain its longevity.

The Risks and Complications Involved

  • Improper placement of the implant: it can lead to certain complications, extreme closeness with the adjacent teeth causing pain to those teeth, and failure to fuse with the bone, making the tooth loose and painful.
  • Infections: look out for signs like pain, bleeding, discharge, or swelling and contact your doctor ASAP.
  • Sinus Issues: Dental implants can poke into the sinus cavity during implant placement, leading to discomfort or possible infection.
  • Tissue necrosis: Approximately 1 in 20 times, the cells in the flap of tissue surrounding the implant may perish.
  • Nerve damage: improper placement can cause nerve damage and have lasting effects. Thus, it would help if you always considered all the risks involved with your consultant first.

Bottom Line

Always consult with the specialist before this procedure, discuss all your concerns and expectations, and be aware of all the complications and work that comes with it. Universal Smiles Dentistry is always available to help you with the dental implant procedure. We provide a comprehensive range of treatments as a renowned dental office, including dental implants and Invisalign treatment. We provide services to Edgewater, Orange City, South Daytona, Titusville, Lady Lake (The Villages), DeLand, and surrounding areas.

Our professional and devoted team is committed to delivering outstanding service and assistance regarding dental implant procedures and alleviating dental anxiety.