Tooth Sensitivity

Among the many oral health issues is sensitivity, which many people experience. You may experience sensitivity in your teeth upon consuming hot, sweet, cold, or sour meals and drinks; or even when you inhale chilly air. The pain can be sudden and abrupt, extending to the tooth's nerves. Fluoride, desensitizing toothpaste, and dental bonding are the most common treatments for sensitivity.

When the dentin, the layer on your teeth underneath the enamel, is exposed, dental discomfort typically results. Erosion and gum recession are two factors that might cause this. The hundreds of microscopic tubules in your tooth's roots, which are not protected by hard enamel, lead to the pulp in the heart of your tooth. These dentinal tubules (or channels) let stimuli reach the nerve in your tooth, such as hot, cold, or sweet food, which causes sensitivity. The following are the most common and effective treatments for tooth sensitivity.

Best Treatments for Tooth Sensitivity

If you have sensitive teeth, the thought of brisk winds also may make you uncomfortable. According to estimates, 1 in 8 people have sensitive teeth, which means they frequently feel discomfort while eating or drinking things that are hot or cold or when they clean their teeth. Whether you've had tooth sensitivity for months or years, some very effective treatments are available. To learn what procedures your dentist could suggest to treat your sensitive teeth, look at the standard treatment ways mentioned below.

Use a Soft Toothbrush and Medicated Toothpaste

There are several reasons teeth become sensitive, but two more frequent ones can be brought on by vigorous brushing. Even though it can seem sensible, cleaning your teeth more forcefully might damage the enamel, the tooth's protective coating. Your teeth become more sensitive due to the very porous dentine of the tooth being exposed.

The roots of the teeth may become visible due to gum recession brought on by improper tooth cleaning methods. Due to a lack of enamel to protect them, the roots of your teeth might become sensitive to hot, cold, and sweet foods. Many people may manage their sensitive teeth as a component of their oral healthcare routine by using specialized sensitive teeth toothpaste sold in supermarkets and pharmacies.

Since every brand of toothpaste is unique, testing out many is essential before settling on one. Although these toothpastes don't provide immediate relief, their effectiveness increases with time, so using them consistently twice a day is crucial. For added comfort, you can massage the toothpaste into the painful areas of your teeth. To prevent additional harm to your teeth, using this toothpaste in conjunction with an efficient brushing method using a soft-bristled toothbrush is crucial.

Sealant Treatments

You can use dental bonding, also known as dental sealant, to cover your teeth' roots with a natural barrier. In this procedure, tooth-colored resin is applied to your visible tooth roots. The completed product lasts five to 10 years and mixes perfectly with your smile.

Gum surgery, also known as gingival grafts or periodontal plastic surgery, involves removing tissue from some place in your mouth, typically the roof of your mouth, and utilizing it to reattach the gum to the afflicted tooth in more severe situations when there has been considerable gum recession. This covers the root, enhances gum health, improves the appearance of your gum line, and eliminates irritation.

High Fluoride Treatments

If the enamel erosion causing your tooth sensitivity is the cause and desensitizing toothpaste hasn't helped, your South Daytona dentist may recommend a course of high-fluoride therapy. Your teeth enamel is naturally re-hardened by fluoride, which reduces tooth sensitivity and aids in preventing dental cavities.

There are several options for therapies. High fluoride toothpaste is available with a prescription for treatment regimens lasting up to three months. You may also buy high-fluoride mouthwash over-the-counter but first ask the dentist for their suggestions. Although your dentist may instruct you on using the recommended toothpaste or mouthwash, they are often part of your regular oral hygiene practice. Your dentist could use a high-fluoride varnish or gel on your teeth during your appointment.

A Root Canal

Your dentist could also advise undergoing a root canal if previous treatments don't provide the relief you need and you frequently have discomfort from a specific tooth. The sensitive nerves in the tooth are removed during root canal therapy. Even though this procedure may appear extreme, it will prevent dental discomfort in the treated tooth. Your dentist will let you know if this procedure is correct for you.

The only effective remedy for hurting teeth brought on by trauma or fissures is a root canal. Visit the Lady Lake (The Villages) dentist as soon as possible if your teeth are fractured or sore to the point of being unbearable. Whatever course of action you take to address your tooth sensitivity, it's critical to maintain good oral hygiene to stop additional enamel loss and prevent the recurrence of the condition.

Consider changing your diet if it's high in sugary, acidic foods such as citrus fruits or chocolate or beverages like soft drinks, as this is a primary cause of enamel erosion. Additionally, you should ensure you maintain a strong oral hygiene program, including twice-daily brushing and flossing, as well as routine dental checkups with your Titusville dentist.


While there are also many home remedies for treating sensitivity, they only bring temporary relief. Opting for the treatment ways mentioned above can significantly help relieve your inflammation-causing sensitivity while treating dental issues to the core.

Contact us at Universal Smiles Dentistry to book your appointment today for the best and most professional services near you if you require top-notch dental assistance.